
This is SLC: Our College News

Integrated Mental Health Strategy (IMHS) – Celebrating Year One
In the spring of 2023, the Task Force of the SLC Integrated Mental Health Strategy (IMHS) launched into the phase of implementing its workplan, under the co-leadership of Student Success and Belonging, People & Culture, and with the support of SLC’s College Executive Team. Ten subgroups comprised of staff from across departments and students from across disciplines regularly convened to advance the over 100 tactics across five key pillars of focus: Academic and Student Support, Workplace Supports, Cultural Change, Physical Environment, and Literacy, Education and Stigma Reduction. In the spirit of this Anishinaabe art piece, the IMHS has truly been a leadership opportunity bringing together all areas of the College to participate in creating a safe and supportive learning community. 
Behavioural Psychology Students Present Honours Thesis Posters at Gala 
As the 2023-2024 academic year comes to an end it also marks another important milestone for the fourth-year students in the Honours Bachelor of Behavioural Psychology (BPSYC) degree program as they gathered to present their thesis posters. On April 10, 2024, 58 fourth-year students presented their thesis in the upper concourse at St Lawrence College. The students have been working on their theses since September 2023 while completing a full-time placement and then continuing their thesis work in January when they returned to classes. 
SLC User Experience Design Student Featured in New York City Arts Showcase
The vibrant and dynamic world of art has found a new zenith with the emergence of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), and recently, it converged upon the iconic cityscape of New York City for the much-anticipated NFT.NYC event for this year. For Karan Pal Singh (a.k.a. KP), having his work showcased at NFT.NYC was not just a milestone but a testament to his dedication and artistic vision. 
LCC 2024: Meet our Alumni Panelists 
The LCC Planning Committee is pleased to introduce our panel of SLC alumni who will explore the theme of "Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Creating the Future Together" on Day 2 of LCC. Each member brings a wealth of experience, expertise, and insights gained from their respective journeys beyond SLC, and their discussion will include a dynamic exchange of ideas as they explore the future of AI and its potential to drive change.
Increasing Opportunities for Student Leadership Development 
On March 26th, over 55 members of the SLC community came together for a “Redefining Leadership” event at the Innovation Hub. Organized by Student Success, this event offered students a unique opportunity to explore the nuances of leadership, differentiating between leading oneself and leading others. To open the talk, Emma Laporte, a Community and Justice Services student, shared her personal journey and how assuming leadership roles had positively impacted her academic and personal growth.