
Dual Credit Program for High School Students

Earn St. Lawrence College credits while you are still in high school

St. Lawrence College offers over 100 college courses and 10 apprenticeship programs  (OYAP) for Dual Credit students. 

The Dual Credit program is intended to assist high school students in completing their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) and making a successful transition to college. Students participate in St. Lawrence College courses and apprenticeship programs to earn dual credits that count towards their OSSD and their post-secondary diploma, degree or apprenticeship certification. Dual credit students get a taste of college life, learning and a potential career pathway.

Dual credit students are supported by their high school teachers as well as their college instructor, the St. Lawrence College Dual Credit office and college student support services. The cost of the program is funded by the Government of Ontario through the School College Work Initiative. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

The Dual Credit program allows high students to participate in college courses and/or apprenticeship training, earning dual credits that count towards both their high school diploma and post-secondary diploma or apprenticeship certification.

  • Dual credit programs support students in making a successful transition from high school to college or an apprenticeship.
  • The Dual Credit program assists students in completing their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) by gaining post-secondary and high school credits while customizing their learning with exposure to the college environment.
  • Students get a head start on learning and training for their future careers while increasing their awareness of various college apprenticeship and career pathways.

Tuition, materials, equipment and transportation fees are covered through the Dual Credit program - it is no cost to students!

Senior high school students who may need learning opportunities outside of high school and who would benefit from a college or apprenticeship experience to complete their Ontario Secondary School Diploma.

  • Program suitability is determined by guidance or student success teams in the high school. If you are interested in registering for any of the Dual Credit programs, contact the Student Services or Guidance department at your secondary school. They can provide you with all of the information you need to get started.
  • Applications for Fall semester courses are due at the beginning of May.
  • Applications for Winter semester courses are due at the beginning of November.
  1. Yes, Dual Credit students with an IEP will be accommodated at the College. Dual Credit students with an IEP will need to set up an appointment with Student Wellness & Accessibility
  2. Students will need to bring a copy of their current IEP from their high school. An Accessibility Counsellor will look over the IEP with the student and create a letter from the college outlining their accommodations. The student will need to ensure that their college instructor(s) received a copy of this letter. Dual Credit Teachers can assist in this process if requested by the student.
  3. For more information please contact or drop by to make an appointment with Student Wellness & Accessibility (e-mail:
  • A Dual Credit Teacher is not the instructor of the college course.
  • Dual Credit Teachers are hired by each school board to be the number one contact for students in the Dual Credit program – every student is assigned a Dual Credit teacher.
  • These teachers are aware of both secondary and college polices, and assist in the transition for high school students to the college.
  • Students can reach this person through e-mail, text, and phone or meet them in-person at the college campus.
  • If you are do not know the contact for your Dual Credit Teacher, please contact the Dual Credit office (e-mail: or phone: 613.544.5400 ext. 1642).
  • All of our programs are listed by campus under Dual Credits @ SLC and OYAP (Apprenticeship)
  • At the present time St. Lawrence College has five Dual Credit Models:

Congregated – Students from surrounding school boards are in a college course with other high school students, taught by a college instructor on a St. Lawrence College campus.

 – Students from surrounding schools boards are in a college course with other college students, taught by a college instructor, on a St. Lawrence College campus.

OYAP (Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program) – Students from surrounding school boards are in an apprenticeship programs (Level 1) with community apprentices, courses are taught by college instructors, on a St. Lawrence College campus (students receive two or more Dual Credits for completing an OYAP program).

SWAC (School within a College) – Students are selected by school boards to participate in this unique opportunity and attend St. Lawrence College for the entire semester. Students work towards high school credits (e.g. math and English) and take one Dual Credit. The college credit is taught by a college instructor and the high school credits are taught by a high school teacher. The change in environment has shown a positive increase in success rates for students who have struggled in a typical high school environment.

Team-Taught – Courses are delivered at the high school by a St. Lawrence College instructor in a course where there is a significant overlap between the college course curriculum and high school course curriculum. The college instructor goes to the high school to deliver the college credit. This model is used for technology courses and/or where transportation to one of the campuses is a challenge due to distance and travel time.

  • Contact the guidance counsellor at your high school to receive application and program-specific information.
  • You can also contact the Dual Credit office at St. Lawrence College by e-mailing:

Contact Information 

For general inquiries and questions, email or call 613.544.5400 ext 5541