
At SLC sustainability is about optimization and integration.

SLC’s understanding of sustainability is based on the globally recognized Brundland Commission (Our Common Future, 1987): “meeting the needs of today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs”. We recognize that sustainability is the integration of the lenses of environmental responsibility, economic viability and social/cultural vibrancy. It is through strong governance that enables SLC to integrate the lenses of economics, social/culture and environment to make optimized decisions positioned in the sweet spot of sustainability. 

View SLC's Greenhouse Gas Reduction Roadmap and Reduction Plan

SLC's Sustainability Plan

sustainability graphic

SLCs Sustainability Lenses:

  • Economic Development: related to programing and operational considerations in a manner that is fiscally responsible and sustainable over the long-term.
  • Social Development: related to the cultural vibrancy, diversity, affordability, health and equity of our institution.
  • Environmental Responsibility: related to our environmental impact and footprint, resource efficiency, and procurement of environmentally conscious good and services.
  • SLC’s Commitment to Sustainability: Be accountable for our decisions and actions to ensure our long-term viability, reduce our environmental impact and foster a healthy and dynamic college.

St. Lawrence College is a member of the globally recognized Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) and the Sustainability Tracking and Rating System (STARS). As of Sept 2019, there are over 888 global members, 67 Canadian members and 28 Ontario members. STARS provides a universally recognized methodology and action selection menu to track higher education institution’s progress along the sustainability continuum. Based on an institution's progress they are ranked as either bronze, silver, gold or platinum.

STARS is divided into the following theme areas:

  • Operations
  • Academics
  • Engagement
  • Culture
  • Planning


AASHE and STARS align with the United Nation Sustainability Goals. As of March, 2018, St. Lawrence College is targeting a Bronze ranking and a Gold ranking by the end of the 2019-2024 strategic plan.


Get Involved

We strive to be sustainable stewards in all three of the communities our campuses are located. Footprint is sustainability initiatives at SLC. Under this umbrella, it has successfully engaged students and staff on sustainable initiatives since 2015.

What is Footprint?

  1. A forum for open discussion for sustainable issues at the college
  2. An educational resources promoting sustainability awareness and understanding
  3. A mechanism for action and change on campus

Footprint teams on the on campus have run many success outreach initiatives over the past years. The College hires a Sustainability Marketing Assistant student to focus on student engagement initiatives on each of our campuses. The Sustainability Marketing Assistant works with the Sustainability Manager and leads the Footprint Team, a group of passionate SLC students.

Some of the initiatives include:

  • School Supply Swap
  • Movie Nights
  • Winter Coat Drive
  • Clothing Swap
  • Newsletters
  • Social media contest
  • Sustainability Days

Are you passionate about sustainability and a full time student? Each year we hire three students to be our Sustainability Marketing Assistants on each campus. Be sure to check the current student job postings to join our team!

Do you have an idea that will improve sustainability on Campus? We would love to hear from you! Email to submit your idea or just to get in touch