
This is SLC: Our College News

From Kiwis to Cheeks -  Shaving the Way to Spa-Ready Skin!  
In the ever-evolving world of esthetic treatments, staying ahead of the curve is not just beneficial; it's essential. In our skilled trades - esthetic training program, we're doing exactly that by incorporating hands-on training with one of the hottest trends in skincare: dermaplaning. This term, our students took their first swipe—not on human skin, but on the fuzzy surface of kiwis! 
Student Experience Survey Launches June 10
SLC’s Student Experience Survey launches on Monday, June 10 for students in their second semester or higher at SLC. The survey is an excellent chance for our students to provide feedback and insight into their needs and experiences. It would be helpful if faculty could mention the survey to students in their class, as high student engagement with the survey becomes an effective tool to help change the College for the better! 
SLC Employee Awarded for Dedication to Student Success 
Caryn Langstaff, Director of Health, Wellness, and Accessibility has been recognized by the Coordinating Committee of Vice-Presidents Students with the Art King Award for her outstanding contribution to student services and dedication to student success. Caryn was presented the award by Michele Beaudin on June 3 during an administrative meeting for Student Success. 
Commuter Challenge & Cycling Week, June 3-8, 2024
Commuter Challenge 2024 is here! This nationwide event challenges folks to choose more sustainable transportation options on their daily commutes, including cycling, carpooling, or taking public transit, for example. Over the years, the SLC community has excelled in participation through kilometers and emissions saved, so let’s beat our records this year!
SLC offers new Human Resource Management graduate certificate program
SLC is proud to announce the launch of its newest offering: the Human Resource Management graduate certificate program. Tailored for learners holding a college diploma or university degree, this program is designed to equip aspiring Human Resources professionals with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in the field. With intakes available in both September and January, prospective students can now apply for the upcoming cohorts starting in September 2024 and January 2025.