
This is SLC: Our College News

Therapeutic Recreation students experience Forest Therapy
Our class had an amazing field trip last week, as we learned about Forest Therapy as a tool we can harness in our work as Recreation Therapists with future clients. Students were asked to reflect on how this experience can be provided for clients living with various mobility, hearing, and vision impairments. For many students this was their first time experiencing Forest Therapy and a time where connection with nature and the gifts it provides in our journeys as students, emerging recreation therapists and faculty alike can always return to. 
Battle of the Biz Brains Business Case Competition a Huge Success
Last week, we welcomed over 80 high school business students to Kingston campus to compete in the "Battle of the Biz Brains" regional high school business case competition. Our client for the day was Dress for Success Kingston (Lindsay MacDonald), who answered many insightful questions from the high school students and judges throughout the day. The top prize, awarded to the team from Kingston Secondary school, included gift certificates and $500 bursaries towards tuition to SLC.
SLC Research Capstones: Connecting Students with Real-World Industry Challenges
The research capstone program at SLC is dedicated to introducing real-world industry challenges into student projects, giving them the chance to apply their skills to impactful work.  On Friday, October 18, Houcine Houssa, an instructor in SLC's Instrumentation and Control Engineering Technology program, accompanied a group of third-year students to GreenReach Farms, an urban AgriTech start up in Gananoque, where they gained firsthand insights into the farm's operations and the challenges they will address as part of their capstone projects. 
Teaching Excellence & Learning Space Design
The School of Contemporary Teaching & Learning (SCTL) held a college-wide virtual information session on October 21 which included important updates on two key initiatives: Teaching Excellence and Learning Space Design. 
Reconnecting with Nature: Sustainability Month Week Five
Reconnect with nature and learn about biodiversity on campus as we celebrate the final week of Sustainability Month! The SLC community is invited to get outside and work as a team tracking species through tri-campus bioblitz events. On Cornwall campus, get your hands dirty planting native trees and shrubs. For all events, please wear sturdy, comfortable footwear and dress for the weather – the events are rain or shine.