
This is SLC: Our College News

SLC Business – Marketing Students Learn Effective Intercultural Communication 
At the end of the fall semester, first year students in the Business – Marketing program delivered final presentations on what they learned in their Introduction to Intercultural Communication class. The course, taught by Cathy Lemmon, encourages students to reflect on their own cultures and learn about others through various theoretical perspectives.  
Help Students During the Shutdown: Suggested OOO Message
As you prepare for the break, consider using our standardized message in your Outlook email auto-response to provide students and others with emergency, telemedicine contacts, and resources for mental health support.   St. Lawrence College will close from December 21 to January 3 and reopen on Thursday, January 4, 2024. Automated processes will continue, and students will have access to Blackboard and 
Success for Surge to Success: SLC's Pilot Program for New Student Transition 
In the busy halls of the fall semester, a new initiative was launched, aimed at supporting the journey of incoming students throughout their first eight weeks of college life. This post-orientation program, named Surge to Success, became a touchpoint of support and guidance for students in need of navigating their new chapter at SLC. 
Learning Connections Conference 2024: Planning Team 
We would like to thank everyone in the SLC community for submitting their applications for the LCC Program Development Sub-Committee. The selected individuals will join the larger planning team in shaping the learning experiences for our 14th LCC celebration on May 22 and 23.  This year’s planning team includes a variety of part-time/full-time employees from different departments and campuses. It is within this unique collection of voices that we hope to bring an inspiring conference to the college. 
Environmental Technician Student Initiatives Promote Sustainability 
In an impressive showcase of commitment to environmental awareness and action, first-year students from the Environmental Technician program, have successfully concluded their Environmental Sustainability Action Projects as part of the course ENVI34: Environmental Issues and Solutions.  These students demonstrated a remarkable dedication to making a difference in environmental sustainability. Their projects, carefully designed to align with personal interests and broader ecological goals, spotlight the importance of proactive environmental stewardship.