
This is SLC: Our College News

Welding and Fabrication Student Selected As First Recipient of the Melissa Phelan Premier's Award Bursary
When Melissa Phelan won the Premier's Award in the Apprenticeship category in November 2021, a bursary was created in her honour, and she determined the criteria for the award. This winter 2022, Mary Reddon, a second-year Welding and Fabrication Technician student, was selected as the first recipient. We reached out to her to ask her to share her thoughts on the bursary, the welding field, and how Melissa is making a difference for women in trades.
After-Hours Counsellor in Residence Pilot Project Improved Student Outcomes
Student Wellness & Accessibility has completed its year-long pilot project providing weekend and after-hours mental health counselling in Residence. St. Lawrence College, in partnership with Student Living, Sodexo, and Kingston Health Sciences Centre (KHSC), was a successful applicant under the Ministry of Colleges and Universities Mental Health Call for Proposals, which provided funding for the project. The project’s impacts are shared their report, “Improving Student Outcomes in Residence while Diverting Critical Emergency Health Care Resources.”
ECE Students Explore Outdoors in Arts-Based Curriculum Course
In a recent field trip to Lake Ontario Park, Early Childhood Education (ECE) students explored the use of basic art supplies combined with available natural materials to create art and storytelling activities for children outdoors. Working in small groups outside was a thrill after months online and the resulting activities were varied and engaging. The challenge of using materials “on hand” was met by the students with resourcefulness and creativity.
Pause, Reflect, and Remember on the National Day of Mourning
Today is the National Day of Mourning in Canada. Flags at St. Lawrence College's campuses are lowered to half-mast to remember and honour those who have died, been injured, or suffered illness in the workplace. In this written piece, Grant Currie, President of Local 417 and worker member of the Kingston Joint Health and Safety Committee, and Trish McPherson, SLC Occupational Health and Safety Officer, share moving stories and ways we can increase awareness of the National Day of Mourning.
Welcome Shane N. Young to the 2022 Learning Connections Conference
The LCC Planning Team is pleased to share that we will be welcoming Shane N. Young as our Day 1 keynote to the conference this year. Shane is an educator, PhD Candidate (Trent), and Joseph-Armand Bombardier Scholar of Mi'kmaw and of Newfoundland settler ancestry. He is a member of the Qalipu First Nation on the southwestern coast of Newfoundland, where he was born and raised, and has been living in Tkaronto since 2006. His arrival at LCC comes at a pivotal time as SLC continues to explore this year’s theme of “reconnect, reflect, and recharge” and its intersections with Indigenous Ways of Knowing and Being.