
Learning Connections Conference 2023: Introducing Peter Katz

Learning Connections Conference

The LCC Planning Team is pleased to announce a few updates on this year’s conference.

LCC Updates

We will be trying something different this year at LCC by introducing three keynote speakers throughout the hybrid two-day event. These plenary keynote presentations will be in addition to more than 60 concurrent sessions facilitated by our very own SLC employees and select external guest speakers. Our intention this year is to weave the LCC theme of “Relate – Learning through Connections” by inviting everyone to engage in discussions on how we foster connections with one another. 


  • Day One (May 16 / virtual) Dr. Sarah Rose Cavanaugh
  • Day Two (May 17 / in person) Coming soon!
  • Day Two (May 17 / in person) …see below!

Earlier this month, we announced that Dr. Sarah Rose Cavanaugh would be joining us for a virtual learning session on the science of emotion. This presentation will be followed by two keynotes on Day Two as our first presentation will open the day while the second will lead us into our Employee Awards celebration. 

Welcome Peter Katz to LCC 2023!

Headshot of Peter Katz

The Employee Awards will look a little bit different this year at LCC as we will be welcoming Peter Katz and his musical storytelling skills to energize our community as part of the celebration. 

Peter Katz is a JUNO Award and Canadian Screen Award nominated singer-songwriter who has spent the past 15 years touring internationally. He has been described by many of his fans and speaking clients as "a thunderbolt for the soul”. As a gifted storyteller and four-time TEDx fellow, Peter will help continue the conversation by using music to connect with our audience as we prepare to celebrate our people during the Employee Awards in the afternoon of May 17 on Kingston campus.

Read more about Peter Katz’s music and speaking engagements by visiting the LCC website.

Reminder - Call for Proposals

We invite everyone in the college community to submit a proposal or workshop idea during our Call for Proposals. Submit your draft and secure a spot at the conference by using the submission link below:

Call for Proposals
February 9th to March 9th

All proposals and workshop ideas will be reviewed by the Program Development Sub-Committee. We thank everyone for sharing their passion with our learning community.

If you have any questions about the application process, please connect with us via

In Case You Missed It

    Stay Connected with LCC 

    Dates: May 16 (virtual) & 17 (Kingston) 
    Twitter: @LearnConnectSLC 
    Social Media Hashtag:  #LCCSLC  

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