
This is SLC: Our College News

Welcome New CEP Cohort of 2022-2024
The college recently welcomed 19 new Full-Time Faculty to the Contemporary Educator Program (CEP) within the School of Contemporary Teaching & Learning (SCTL). This two-year onboarding program is designed to support new FT faculty in their teaching by creating a community of practice of likeminded educators and connecting them to existing college resources across the three campuses.
Indigenous Veterans Day and Remembrance Day 2022
It is a time of year for paying respect and showing support for veterans and those currently serving in the Canadian Forces. To help you participate in Remembrance Day in a meaningful way, information about live events, virtual ceremonies, and ways you can lend support is included in this update.
Learning Connections Conference 2023: Call for Committee Members
We are pleased to announce that the College will be hosting its 13th Learning Connections Conference (LCC) on May 16 and May 17, 2023. Apply to be part the Program Development Sub-Committee. This committee will lead the conference proposal process and help shape the overall theme of the conference with colleagues.
National Indigenous Veterans Day and Treaties Recognition Week 2022
Mary Ann Lyons, Indigenous Student Advisor, shares information about Treaties Recognition Week (November 6-12), which honours the importance of treaties and helps us understand the meaning and relevance of treaty rights and relationships, and the reasons why treaties matter to all Ontarians, as well as National Indigenous Veterans Day (November 8), a day on which we can try to better understand the role Indigenous veterans have played in Canada and express our gratitude to them for their sacrifice and service.
SLC Values and our community
I am writing with an important reminder about SLC values and the role we all play in the communities where our campuses are located, when it comes to respect and belonging. There are troubling stories in the media lately of antisemitic sentiments being shared, and closer to home, of antisemitic vandalism occurring in and around downtown Kingston. I cannot stress strongly enough that this behaviour is abhorrent and should not be taken lightly or ignored.