
This is SLC: Our College News

Alumna Establishes Resiliency Bursary for SLC Students
Chantal Borst is an SLC graduate (Integrated Marketing Communications 2003) who chose to make her first gift to the College this year and establish The Resiliency Bursary, which will be awarded to a Marketing student who has overcome personal or economic challenges to pursuing their learning goals, with special consideration for equity-deserving students or single parents.
National Indigenous Peoples Day Events at SLC
On Tuesday, June 21, SLC employees and students gathered on campus to celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day, which took place on the summer solstice. National Indigenous Peoples Day is a special occasion to learn more about the rich and diverse cultures, voices, experiences, and histories of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples, a step forward for each Canadian to take on the path to reconciliation.
Everything You Need to Know About Page 1+
This summer, SLC Libraries is excited to be one of the 18 Ontario College Libraries participating in the launch of Page 1+, the new library search tool from College Libraries Ontario (CLO). Information about the new library system project has been previously shared at Academic Council and Learning Connections.
SLC Game Programming Grads Update South Dundas Tourism Pursuit App
Two new Game Programming graduates, Johan Carette and Serhii Marchenko, along with their professor, James Dupuis helped to develop the award-winning South Dundas Tourism Pursuit app, which just celebrated a relaunch for the 2022 summer tourism season with five new locations.
Congratulations to the Contemporary Educator Program (CEP) 2022 Graduating Cohort!
St. Lawrence College celebrated the first two cohorts of the Contemporary Educator Program (CEP) on June 8 with an onsite graduation ceremony. The onsite celebration reconnected faculty from the 2021 and 2022 cohorts as they received their official certificate. Although the Vollege held a virtual graduation last year, this was a great opportunity to celebrate as one group as all 17 faculty began their journey in 2019.