SLC unveils Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Legacy Space on the Brockville and Cornwall Campuses
St. Lawrence College (SLC) is pleased to announce the unveiling of a Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Legacy Space on its Brockville and Cornwall Campuses, on October 17 and 18 respectively. Last August, Legacy Space was unveiled on the Kingston campus, which was the first in a post-secondary institution in Ontario, and the first in the hometown of the late Gord Downie.
St. Lawrence College Announces Naming of HVAC Lab
St. Lawrence College (SLC) is proud to announce that the new on-campus (Kingston) HVAC lab will be named the Reliance Home Comfort Residential HVAC Lab in recognition of a generous gift-in-kind from Reliance Home Comfort. This three-year naming agreement celebrates the donation of more than $104,000 in equipment support for the HVAC lab and the Residential Air Conditioning Systems Mechanic Apprenticeship program.
SLC Graduates Join Queen’s University Peers Through Diploma-to-Degree Engineering Pathway
St. Lawrence College joins the Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer (ONCAT) in celebrating the inaugural cohort of students in the Smith Engineering Bridge pathway, who have successfully transitioned from a diploma to a degree program and joined their peers in the Smith Engineering Faculty.
The bridge pathway is a route for graduates of an advanced diploma in Engineering Technology to transfer into an upper year of the civil, mining, mechanical, or chemical degree programs offered by Smith Engineering at Queen’s University. This pathway is a faster and more cost-effective route to becoming a professional engineer in Ontario, in comparison to completing a standalone degree after college.
St. Lawrence College Celebrates Local Artist: Community Invited to “Inspired – Celebrating Artist Andrea Mossop”
St. Lawrence College (SLC) invites the community to celebrate the remarkable career of artist and former faculty member, Andrea Mossop. A special reception will be held on Saturday, October 5, 2024, from 1:00 to 3:00 PM at the Marianne Van Silfhout Gallery, where Mossop's solo exhibition “stillpoint” will be on display from September 28 to November 8.
St. Lawrence College to Host Condolence Ceremonies
As part of its ongoing commitment to honouring Indigenous Ways and reconciliation, St. Lawrence College (SLC) will hold condolence ceremonies on its three campuses in Kingston, Brockville, and Cornwall on the following dates: Cornwall, October 1; Brockville October 2; and Kingston on October 8, 2024.
Wiping the Tears: From the Shadows to Reconciliation Condolence Ceremony is deeply rooted in the traditions of the Haudenosaunee people, also known as the Iroquois Confederacy. This alliance of six Indigenous nations, spanning regions of Ontario, Quebec, and New York, follows the Great Law of Peace, established by the revered figures Hiawatha and the Peacemaker. SLC acknowledges and gives thanks that three of the college’s campuses are on the traditional lands of the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe peoples.