
This is SLC: Our College News

Info Sessions for Global Learning Opportunities Coming Up
SLC will hold three information sessions for students interested in a newly launched global learning opportunity, Entrepreneurial Thinking in A Global Context, a faculty-led program which includes on-site and virtual classes at SLC and a two-week trip to Ireland.
Annual Accounting Hackathon Partnered Business Students With National Charity, Rise
The graduating class of the Business Administration – Accounting program from Kingston and Cornwall recently held the 5th annual virtual Accounting Hackathon in collaboration with national charity, Rise. During the hackathon, student teams work with an entrepreneur to brainstorm and resolve a financial issue in their business.
2022 Learning Connections Conference (LCC) Planning Well Underway!
As Spring 2022 approaches the weather warms up and staff start to anticipate the return of our annual Learning Connections Conference (LCC)! Your LCC Core Planning Committee has been working hard through the cold Winter months to plan a dynamic all-staff LCC and we are very pleased to introduce Dr. Robyne Hanley-Dafoe, as our Keynote Presenter for the 2022 LCC.
Team From SLC Wins QICSI Internship
Marketing students Salvador Lara and Sean McKnight from team “Off We Go” won admission to a four-month incubator program with the Dunin-Deshpande Queen's Innovation Centre.
SLC Welcomes Knowledge Keeper in Contemporary Learning Spaces
The School of Contemporary Teaching & Learning (SCTL) has partnered with Helena Neveu, Knowledge Keeper at SLC, to create a new learning opportunity as part the College’s commitment to Indigenous Ways of Knowing and Being. This new learning opportunity has been shaped by Helena’s focus on oral tradition, experiential learning, and reflective practice.