
Safety, Security and Emergency Procedures

St. Lawrence College is Committed to Providing a Safe Place for our Community Members to Study, Work, Live, and Visit 

Each of our campuses has a dedicated team of Security professionals on-site who can assist you with any security concerns or general inquiries. Through a combination of guard patrols and CCTV monitoring, this team works proactively to address issues before they become a problem. 


How to contact Campus Security:

  • Mobile: dial extension 5555 (Kingston: 613.544.5400, Brockville: 613.345.0660, Cornwall: 613.933.6080)
  • Landline: dial 5555 from any campus phone

In general:

  • Report all fires, no matter how small, to Campus Security
  • Report the smell of smoke of undetermined origin to Campus Security
  • Attempt to extinguish the fire only if you can do so safely
  • Familiarize yourself with the location of pull stations, fire exits, and fire extinguishers in your area

Upon discovery of a fire:

  1. Stay calm to ensure a safe and orderly evacuation
  2. Alert other occupants and activate the nearest fire alarm pull station
  3. Turn off all electrical and open-flame equipment only if you can do so safely
  4. Leave the fire area immediately
  5. Close, but do not lock, all doors behind you as you leave
  6. Immediately evacuate the building using the nearest exit to prevent “bottlenecking” at main exits 
  7. Once you have exited the building, gather near the posted Muster Point signs

When you hear a fire alarm:

It is MANDATORY for campus buildings to be evacuated during any fire alarm.

  1. Do not assume the fire alarm is a drill
  2. Stay calm to ensure a safe and orderly evacuation
  3. Turn off all electrical and open-flame equipment only if you can do so safely
  4. Immediately evacuate the building using the nearest exit to prevent “bottlenecking” at main exits
  5. Close, but do not lock, all doors behind you as you leave
  6. Do not use the elevators
  7. If you encounter smoke on your way down the stairs, do not continue; leave the stairway onto the closest available floor area and proceed to an alternate stairway
  8. Never go to the roof; smoke rises (doors to the roof are locked and you could become trapped)
  9. Stay low to the ground if you are in a smoke-filled environment
  10. Once outside stand well clear of the building in order to allow emergency responders to have clear access for their vehicles and to enter the building
  11. Once you have exited the building, gather near the posted Muster Point signs
  12. Await further instructions and do not re-enter the building until the all-clear has been given by either by College officials or Mass Notification System

Fire Emergency Procedures for mobility-impaired Persons:

When the Fire Alarm sounds, do the following:

  1. If on the ground floor, exit by the normal means
  2. If above or below the ground floor notify Campus Security. Mobile: dial extension 5555 (Kingston: 613.544.5400, Brockville: 613.345.0660, Cornwall: 613.933.6080. Landline: dial 5555 from any campus phone.
  3. Tell Campus Security that the fire alarm is sounding and you are mobility impaired and cannot leave your floor area. If you smell smoke, or are in immediate danger, inform the security dispatcher.
  4. Give your exact location, including wing, floor level and room number. Your information will be relayed to emergency response personnel who are en route or on scene. Fire Services will facilitate your evacuation if your safety is compromised.
  5. Remain by the phone. If the conditions at your location deteriorate (any increased danger or hazard), call Campus Security immediately with an update.

Take precautions to avoid fires:

  • Do not store combustible material in unapproved spaces such as stairwells, electrical rooms and mechanical rooms
  • Do not leave fire and smoke barrier doors wedged open or left inoperable
  • Be sure to properly store flammable gasses and liquids
  • Be sure to properly dispose of oily rags
  • Remain calm
  • Stop all activities (meetings, teaching, etc.)
  • Follow instructions given to you by college officials
  • Exit the building via the closest safe exit
  • Do not block roadways or doorways
  • Once you have exited the building, gather near the posted Muster Point signs
  • Await further instructions and do not re-enter the building until the all-clear has been given by either by College officials or Mass Notification System
  • Make the area safe for others (if safe to do so)
  • Dial ext. 5555 – college security 
  • Remain at the scene until help arrives (security, ambulance, fire, etc.)

Please visit our website for quick access to the College’s Sexual Violence Policy information. The Policy provides procedures and resources to support individuals and groups who may be directly or indirectly involved in working with persons who have experienced sexual violence.

  • Make the area safe for others (if safe to do so)
  • Dial ext. 5555 – college security 
  • Remain at a safe distance until help arrives (security, ambulance, fire, etc.)

Run, escape if possible

  • Do not hesitate, escape.
  • Leave any belongings.
  • Help others if you can.
  • Keep your hands visible.


Hide and barricade if escape is not possible

  • Secure and block doors.
  • Turn the lights out and stay out of sight.
  • Mute cell phones and be quiet.
  • Disregard the fire alarm (if safe to do so).


Fight, as a last resort

  • Commit to your actions.
  • Be as aggressive as you can.
  • Yell and throw items.
  • Improvise weapons from those things around you.

If a weapon is observed on campus:

  • Move to and remain in a secure location.
  • Report the situation to Campus Security at ext. 5555 from a campus phone or by using the quick dial feature from the SLC Safe App.
  • Secure and barricade the classroom or office doors and cover windows, if possible. Keep away from windows and turn lights off.
  • Keep everyone in the secure area.
  • Do not investigate the situation further.
  • Take direction only from a police officer or Campus Security.

If a weapon is reported to be on campus grounds, but not an immediate threat:

  • Notify Campus Security immediately and take direction from a police officer or Campus Security; and
  • Remain with the person who reported the weapon to you as Campus Security and police will want to speak to you.
  • Stay inside the building during a “Hold and Secure”.
  • Follow the directions given by Campus Security or College officials through official channels such as email or through the Mass Notification System.
  • Wait for an “All Clear” message to be delivered before considering leaving the building.

Upon Discovery of a Natural Gas Odour:

  • Call the Security at ext. 5555 and report the location of the odour.
  • Open any doors/windows to the affected area.
  • If you are not in imminent danger, collect personal items such as bags, keys and mobile phones.
  • Leave the affected area, moving to an unaffected area. If the odour persists - go outdoors using the nearest safe exit.
  • Await further direction regarding returning to the affected area.

When a Power Outage Occurs:

  • Remain Calm - Do Not Use Elevators.
  • Call Security at ext. 5555 and report the location of the power outage.
  • Stay in your area and continue with normal operations, if possible.
  • Turn off and unplug computers and other voltage-sensitive equipment.
  • If you leave your area due to darkness, move to a better-lighted area of the College.
  • Use flashlights and mobile devices to move about safely in a dark area.
  • Await further direction regarding the outage.

In the event of a water outage

  • Building occupants should report the outage to Campus Security at ext. 5555.
  • Security and Facilities Management Services will investigate the cause in as timely a manner as possible and identify how long it will take to restore water.

In the event of a plumbing failure or flood

  • Cease using all electrical equipment.
  • Notify Security at Ext. 5555.
  • If necessary, vacate the area.
  • Facilities Management Services will investigate the cause and in as timely a manner as possible identify how long it will take to address flooding.

If you receive a bomb threat, follow these steps:

  • Listen to what the caller is saying.
  • Be calm and courteous.
  • Do not interrupt the caller or hang up.
  • Obtain as much information as you can.
    • When will it explode?
    • Where is it?
    • What does it look like?
    • Where are you calling from?
    • What is your name?
    • Why did you place the bomb?
  • Do not put caller on hold.
  • Make note of any distinguishable characteristic of the caller.
    • Possible gender
    • Accent
    • Diction – Calm, clear, rushed, slurred etc.
    • Manner – Emotional, threatening, vulgar etc.
  • Note any background noise.
  • If possible, signal a co-worker to call security at ext. 5555 or dial it yourself when the call is finished.
  • If you have call display, record the number.

If a written threat is received:

  • Minimize the handling of the document as much as possible.
  • Contact Campus Security at extension 5555.

 Upon discovering a suspicious and unattended package

  • The individual finding the package should notify a member of the Campus Security Team of the location and appearance of the object.
  • The individual should stand well clear of the area of the package, warn other individuals in the area to vacate the area, and wait for the Campus Security Team member to arrive.
  • Follow the directions of the Campus Security Team, which may include the evacuation of the area.



The SLC mass-notification system powered by RAVE provides critical campus safety notifications. It is important that you complete the opt-in process to receive updates. SLC credentials are required to be added to the system. Here’s how to sign up:

  • Step One: Sign into your profile page with your account, using this link:
  • Step Two: On the My Account tab, add mobile number(s), landlines, and alternate emails you wish to receive updates to. We strongly encourage you to list your mobile number for direct communication.
  • Step Three: Go to the Opt-In List tab of your profile and select all campuses you wish to receive updates for. We encourage you to select all campuses you will attend in your time with SLC. You must complete step three to receive updates. All updates are campus specific.


It is important to remember, that the pursuit of Safety and Security must be a team effort. Each one of us needs to assume a certain amount of responsibility for our own personal safety. To that end, there are a number of steps that we can take every day, in order to maximize your safety while on Campus.

  • Be alert and aware of your surroundings at all times.
  • Don’t leave personal property unattended.
  • Know the location of the emergency exits for your area.
  • Have the number for Campus Security programmed into your cell phone.
  • Lock your vehicle and do not leave items of value in plain sight.
  • Ask the Security staff for an escort to your vehicle.

The risk of slipping, tripping, and falling increases dramatically during icy and snowy winter months. Make safety a top priority this season with the tips found on this poster.

Poster on tips to avoid slips, trips and falls


One way to keep you informed at SLC is to download the SLC Safe app from the Apple Store or Google Play.

The app was developed for the St. Lawrence College Community and provides instant access to campus safety resources including Campus Security contacts, information, and tools to assist the SLC community in further enhancing their security.


Friend Walk

  • Use the app to send your location to a friend or family member as you walk, they can follow your progress and alert emergency services if required.

Tip Reporting

  • Multiple ways to report a safety/security concern directly to SLC security and safety.

Safety Notifications

  • Receive instant notifications and instructions from campus safety when on-campus emergencies occur.

Campus Safety Resources

  • Maps of campus layout and exits.

Support Services

  • Where to find support and counselling services on campus.


Any object, action or condition that has the potential to cause damage or harm (i.e. injury or illness) to people, processes or equipment in the workplace.

The hazard reporting process allows employees, students, contractors and visitors to report hazardous conditions or practices as soon as they notice them. This procedure allows for a prompt response that can be taken to control the hazards without waiting for the next round of regular inspections conducted by the member of the Joint Health and Safety Committee.

Health and safety legislation requires workers to report hazards to their supervisor. If you notice an actual or potential health and safety hazard, immediately report the hazard to your supervisor. Similarly, students should report hazards immediately to their faculty.

In some cases, you may be able to correct the hazard immediately yourself. An example of this would be re-locating a box or cord laying on the floor out of the way of pedestrian travel, placing a wet floor sign in an area to help visually identify a potential slip and fall, etc.   

If able to do so, attempt to correct the hazard yourself and continue to follow the reporting process outlined below. 

If you identify an actual or potential hazard report this immediately to your supervisor (students report immediately to their faculty) and submit a report to the Safety Team using the College’s online reporting system available on the page or through the SLC Safe app.

 SLC Safe App

If your supervisor is not immediately available to discuss the hazard you have identified, send an email and continue to follow the process by submitting a report using the College’s online reporting system available on the page.  

Follow up with your supervisor to determine if and what action has been taken to address your identified hazard. If you feel the hazard has not been addressed in a timely fashion, we encourage you to follow up with your respective Joint Health and Safety Committee 


If you have become injured or have witnessed an injury, immediately notify campus security at ext. 5555 to provide first aid or to contact emergency services on your behalf.  

Report the injury immediately to your supervisor (students report immediately to their faculty) and submit a report to the Safety Team using the College’s online reporting system available on the page or through the SLC Safe app. 

All injuries, no matter how minor, need to be reported and submitted to the Safety Team using the online reporting system.  

 SLC Safe App

If you have any questions or concerns relating to Campus Safety, please email