
Pedro Marques

Designer Bio

Pedro Marques Portrait

Hi there, my name is Pedro. I'm a graphic designer with knowledge in creating work based on client research, analysis, strategic development, and creative execution. My process involves defining a strategy to incorporate clients' values, audience, and competitive advantage. Analysis methods such as personas and journey maps help me determine insights and mandates that guide a design’s purpose. Concept development strategies such as idea matrices and mind mapping help me refine solutions that are meaningful and unique.

My experience in the Graphic Design program at St. Lawrence College has allowed me to exercise design principles and develop a workflow that highlights my organization and communication skills. I am detail-oriented in developing plans for project success at every step and an active listener who is passionate about working with clients to solve their problems. I am eager to share what I’ve learned and continue to learn with a team of creatives who understand the importance of a foundational strategy for a design that elevates clients to new heights.


Interaction Design - DESI 212


The objective of this project was to apply our redesigned logo from a previous assignment to responsive e-commerce. It was a requirement to follow interaction design principles, set brand goals and logo guidelines. The final design must be attractive to the target audience.


This responsive e-commerce website is for a clothing company named “Zing Athletics.” I designed it to look modern and sophisticated to suit the projected target audience; young adult females and males who are into fitness and fashion. They value strength, sophistication, enthusiasm, and positivity.

I have chosen a simple colour scheme by only using black, white and yellow to give the website a clean look which allows the products to be the focus. Black is used to represent strength and sophistication. Yellow is meant to provoke feelings of enthusiasm, positivity, and optimism; it is a cheerful and energetic colour that brings fun and joy to the world. It makes learning easier as it affects the logical part of the brain, stimulating mentality and perception. It inspires thought and curiosity and boosts enthusiasm and confidence. White is associated with cleanliness and provides a great contrast between the other two colours.


Typography IV


In this class, I was presented with a fictional conference called Weatherwise. It was positioned as a serious event for policymakers with the intent of raising awareness for the issue of climate change and its influence on dangerous weather conditions.

The objective was to create a logo, type hierarchy, and colour palette for the conference to be applied across print and digital mediums to advertise the event. These materials had to reflect the severity of climate change consistently across all mediums.


Through research, I found global forest fires to be a prevalent consequence of climate change. Since the concept of heat is also tied to climate change in general, my mandate became focusing on forest fire damage in the designs.

As such, the logo uses the closure principle to reveal a burning tree emblematic of the effects of climate change induced forest fires. This is paired with the smoke that reveals a town map, implying the severe damage that's possible from a single match. The deep red and grey colour palette reinforces fire and smoke. The type- face Teko is bold and squared to symbolize seriousness in the subject matter. The other, Poppins, mimics these features but contrasts Teko with rounded forms, making them a suitable type pairing.

The typography, colour, and motifs were applied across a poster, responsive website, and booklet to convey the conference message. The smoke graphic is manipulated differently through each medium to diversify the visuals while maintaining a cohesive message.


Design Research


URSLC is an app created by St. Lawrence College to engage their students through discussion rooms, resources, and events.

The app’s content manager came to our Design Research class with the issue of low turnout for SLC events. The objective was to address this problem by developing a fictional app redesign that would encourage event engagement.


I interviewed SLC students about their experience with URSLC and found that they were overwhelmed by the app’s number of resources and lack of organization. The mandates from this included rewording the navigation, emphasizing imagery, and improving type hierarchy.

The redesigned app allows students to find and manage events more easily. To prevent confusion, the Search page with event listings was renamed to Events. As interviewees favoured social events, this and other categories were added where there was previously no categorization. Larger thumbnails help supplement the amount of text content. Individual event pages now feature a wider type hierarchy with event info categorized using alignment.