
SLC Values and our community

A pen sits on top of a red notebook beside an open laptop.

Hello folks, 

It is difficult to believe it is already November – I hope fall study weeks were a break for everyone who had one. I am writing with an important reminder about SLC values and the role we all play in the communities where our campuses are located, when it comes to respect and belonging. 

There are troubling stories in the media lately of antisemitic sentiments being shared, and closer to home, of antisemitic vandalism occurring in and around downtown Kingston. I cannot stress strongly enough that this behaviour is abhorrent and should not be taken lightly or ignored. 

While these troubling actions have not been reported on our campuses, they are an important reminder how being an ally for groups or individuals impacted by discrimination is a role we can all play. If you become aware of harassment or discrimination taking place, we encourage you to report to Security at our Kingston, Brockville, or Cornwall campuses, or inform a faculty or staff member as a means of intervention. Should you, or someone you know be upset by the recent news, or are directly impacted, I encourage you to connect with supports and resources, because help is available.

I am confident our community is already highly aware in a time like this, that respect, kindness, and allyship are called for. Thank you for helping embody belonging, and in turn being part of an environment where folks feel safe to learn and work without fear of discrimination. It is an incredibly important part of who we are as a college. 



Glenn Vollebregt (He/Him)
President and CEO
St. Lawrence College 

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