
Innovation Spotlight Recognition: Congratulations to our first recipients of the Innovation Spotlight! 

innovation badge

Submitted by Dr. John Conrad, Director, Innovation and Business Engagement

The Innovation Spotlight is meant to recognize our colleagues who demonstrate the value of innovation through one or more of the following:  
Quality: the innovation/innovator demonstrates improvement in the quality of college programs and operations.  
Efficiency: the innovation/innovator contributes to a more efficient and effective way of doing the work of the College.  
Creativity: the innovation is original, or the adaptation is creation, or the innovator demonstrates creative problem solving.  
Timeliness: the innovation has recently (three months) been implemented.  
Collaboration/Leadership: the innovator demonstrates the ability to collaborate, lead, and foster creative problem solving. 

Khouloud Jaouani: CRM Technician: Recognized for her creative problem solving and solutions focused approach significantly contributed to increasing the efficiency and accuracy of Research Ethics application process. Khouloud was able to design and implement an automated system that reduced staff time in reviewing REB applications, integrated auto-responses to applicants and reviewers, improved the workflow, and built a reliable and secure data management solution. She approaches her work in an open and inclusive manner with a focus on finding an optimal solution. 

Laura Stevenson: Registration Services Officer: Recognized for her contributions to the improvement of college operations and her service to students. She consistently demonstrates exceptionality in efficiency, accuracy, timeliness, and teamwork. Laura demonstrates creative thinking and positivity when problem-solving. She is collaborative in her approach to dealing with various stakeholders. Her commitment to impactful customer service is commendable and deserving of this recognition.  

Aba Mortley: Professor – School of Skilled Trades: Recognized for her successful implementation of a novel approach to teaching in the Esthetics program. By leveraging collaboration with other College staff and departments, Aba was able to incorporate Virtual Reality (VR) technology into the teaching of anatomy. The use of VR along with other engaging modalities created a dynamic environment where students could collectively participate, share insights, make collective decisions, and foster a collaborative learning environment.  

The above recipients of Innovation Spotlight are great examples of Innovation in action. They are willing to try to find solutions or experiment and do so in an open and inclusive manner. If you know of a colleague who demonstrates the value of Innovation, please nominate them for recognition. Click here for nomination form.  

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